Sunday, March 28, 2010

Reflection on Group Project Collaborating on a Word Document

Our project was to collaborate on creating a concept map and a word document. We created the concept map without much trouble. Creating the word document we could collaborate on was more of a problem. Dr. Wang had to show us, to upload the document as a google document before we could both open it for editting. We then learned that we could both edit the document at the same time, however when one saved the changes the other editor's changes were lost. This project taught us we would have to cooperate to collaborate when working on a word document in google docs.

View my articafacts: Click here for the concept map and click here for the word document.

1 comment:

  1. Collaboration on any project whether it is in an classroom with other students, co-workers, or even teacher is very productive in every aspect. I did like the possiblity of working at the same time on the word documents. This is a very helpful tool in any project.
