Wiki is a Web 2.0 application on the Internet. The man credited as the creator, Ward Cunningham described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work." It is a simple to use content management system. It is widely accepted. It can be used as an internal knowledge base, a collection of templates, reports and memos in a centralized resource. A Wiki can be used by professionals as an instant global communications tool, as a knowledge base that can help solve the most common problems. Synergy of ideas or brainstorming without having to be in the same room or even the same country can save time and money on projects. A Wiki can help organize and provide historical documentation for projects, creating a common source of information.
Wiki is also an excellent tool to be used in the classroom. The teacher can build a Wiki to use for collaborative projects for a classroom or they can reach outside of the classroom and include other classes or other schools. The teacher can load acceptable web sites or sources for research to control where the students can retrieve information. Examples of outlines, documentation and reports can be placed in the Wiki. Students can demonstrate their knowledge by participating. Students and teachers will be able to access the Wiki in class, at home or anywhere there is an Internet connection.
blog 8
14 years ago
I believe using a wiki in the classroom would be a very valuable teaching tool. As you stated it can broaden to other classrooms in other schools. This wold allow students to interact with other students that are not local learn about different cultures. It is amazing the endless possibilities that the internet gives us in order to teach our students.