Saturday, January 30, 2010

Chapter 1 Reflection on ways to manage the classroom during technology integration.

I work primarily with students recently out of high school. I have found that preparation and planning are crucial first steps in using technology in the classroom. The instructor must stay at least one step ahead of the students. The rules of engagement must be clearly stated up front. For instance, I have the students sign a network user's agreement before they are allowed to use the computers. I also state the objective of the lesson at the very beginning. I lecture and then demonstrate the lesson prior to sending the students to the computers to practice. I use a Smart Board to show them step by step what will be required. I also provide them with written instructions which include screen shots to guide them as much as possible for their practices. Having all of the steps of the process mapped and documented helps answer many questions before they are asked. The theory is the more answers they find on their own when the instructor is available, the more confidence they will have and the more productive they will be when they have to work without direct supervision. Sometimes not all of the computers are functioning. When this happens I have alternative work for the individuals waiting to use the computers. Review questions, quizzes and reading assignments are some the tools I use to keep them occupied. This helps to keep them from distracting the students working on the computers. The better prepared I am, the less stress for everyone.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Post

My name is Jere' Funk. I am an instructor at Keesler AFB I prepare Airmen for their first assignment in their new career-field. I have worked with computers as a software programmer and database administrator. I started when you had to put your code on punch cards. For the past few years, I have focused on software installations. I am currently taking a class at USM. I am looking foward to learning more about using current applications. I am attending this class to learn more about using technology in developing course material. My ultimate goal is career progression.